Accubid Estimating Manual Download

Accubid is an electrical estimating software solution that facilitates the overall construction management workflow, from estimating to purchasing, change order management, project management, and invoicing. Seamless data transfer from one task to another is the aim, reducing or eliminating data re-entry. Weekly Online Demos. Accubid is conducting weekly 30-minute online demos where we show you how ConstructJob can address specific project management and document management pain points. All demos start at 1:30pm EST. This document provides basic information about new features, enhancements, and modifications in version 14.1 of the Trimble® Accubid® Classic software. More detailed information can be found in the online help system. These Release Notes cover the following topics.

  1. Accubid Price
  2. Accubid Estimating Manual Download Windows 10
  3. Trimble Accubid Classic Estimating
  4. Accubid Estimating Software
  5. Accubid Electrical Estimating Software Cost
  6. Accubid Estimating Manual Download Pdf

BEFORE BEGINING: If you use either of LiveCount or LiveCount Pro programs, the new Classic Estimating 13 only workswith Livecount 5.
This version is not backwards compatible with older versions ofeither programs. This requires you to upgrade both programs on allcomputers (Classic Estimating and LiveCount) at the same time.

Check out this 5 minute video on how to install Accubid Pro and Change Order Pro.

Installing TrimbleAccubid Classic 13

You can download the Classic 13 installer from the Trimble Accubid Clientportal at with your username and password.

Once you log in, click on the Downloads link.

Step 1. Which version do I download?

For Accubid Estimating and ChangeOrder, the version does not matter. Most newer computers are setup to run on a 64-bit operatingsystem. An easy way to determine if your computer is running a 64-bit system is to click on the Windows Explorer folder icon and check if you have a foldercalled “Program Files (x86)” in your local 'C: Drive' If you do notsee that folder, you may be running on a 32-bit operating system.

Step 2. Save the file to your local drive.Please do not run/open from the website, as it is 1.14 GB in size.

Step 3. Run the installer by double clicking on thedownloaded file “Accubid_V13_Full_x86.exe” or “Accubid_V13_Full_x64.exe”

Click on ‘Run’

Step 4. Click on the respective link.

In this case trying to install Accubid Pro, the first optionwas selected, “Trimble Accubid Classic Estimating & ChangeOrder”.

Step 5. Review the information on this screen andthen click Next.

Step 6. Read the agreement. Click the I accept the terms in the license agreement and then click Next.

Step 7. The Custom Setup screen displays.

The Custom Setup screen allows you to select the Trimble Accubid Classic module you wish to install.
Please click on the red X next to the module you are licensed to use (for example Accubid Pro), and you should see the following screen

Select “This feature, and all subfeatures, will be installed on the local hard drive”.
You may also select other modules (for example Change Order or Change Order Pro)
if you are licensed to use it. Then click Next.

Accubid Price

You may also want to install ChangeOrder Pro if you have the Licenses.
Select a Country. If Canada, also select Measurement.
If you have a previous version of Accubid installed, you may choose to convert the jobs once the installation is complete.

In the Ready to Install the Program screen, click Install to begin installation.

Accubid Estimating Manual Download Windows 10

At this point, you may click finish, or proceed to converting your jobs.
Accubid Estimating Manual Download

Step 8. Converting oldestimates or ChangeOrder Projects

(Skip this step if the convert boxes were not enabled during the installation)

The next screen displays your existing job folder orChangeOrder job folder and its version. You can change the version by clickingon the pull down arrow. This utility can also be accessed by clicking on Start> All Programs > Trimble > Classic 13 > Utilities > EsitmatingJob converter or ChangeOrder Job converter

If you share a common folder for the estimates then thiswill only need to be done once. If each estimator has their own locationthat they save the files then it will need to be done per person.
Beforespecifying a folder to convert you will want to select ‘Estimating 12’ (or theversion you’re on) as the version you are coming from.

Trimble Accubid Classic Estimating

Step 9. Upgrading yourexisting license

Prior to completing the install and if you have an AccubidUSB security device (dongle) attached to your computer, you will see thefollowing screen appear.
As long as you have access to the internet, ourlicensing software will auto update your existing license to the latest v13.
Once completed you should be able to launch your licensed program fromthe following location (Start > All Programs > Trimble > Classic 13)

Step 10. Checking yourdatabase permissions (Network users)

If your database resides in ashared drive on your network server and is shared with other estimators, pleaseensure you change your database permission to “Multiple-user database mode(read-only access)”
Accubid > Settings >Options > Database tab

Accubid Estimating Software

Accubid Electrical Estimating Software Cost

Close Accubid and ChangeOrder and restart the program.

Accubid Estimating Manual Download Pdf

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Download Accubid Software

posted Nov 27, 2015, 6:18 AM by Peter Nguyen [ updated May 31, 2016, 9:54 AM]
BEFORE YOU BEGIN: You need to have a Client Portal credentials.
If you do not have one, please send an email to or call 1-800-361-3030.
STEP 1: Go to
STEP 2: Log in with your username and password.
STEP 3: Click on Downloads.
STEP 4: Download the program, Desktop preferred. You may not have all downloads available depending on your licenses.
NOTE: If you are not sure which file to download, get the 64-bit* version.

Download Accubid Classic

Accubid Classic contains:
  • Accubid Pro
  • BidWinner Plus
  • Bidwinner
  • PowerBid
  • ChangeOrder Pro
  • ChangeOrder
  • Time & Material Billing
  • Accubid Security Server
  • SQL Server 2012 Express*

Download Enterprise

Accubid Enterprise contains:
  • Enterprise Estimating
  • Enterprise Change Management
  • Enterprise Database Manager
  • Enterprise Report Center
  • Enterprise Item Update
  • Accubid Security Server
  • SQL Server 2012 Standard*
LiveCount contains:
  • LiveCount Pro - Includes AutoCount feature
  • LiveCount
  • LiveCount Server - Requires special licensing
*Depending on which version you download, the only difference is the version of SQL Server 2012 - either 64-bit or 32-bit.

Go to and sign in with your client portal username and password.